Fix your smile with porcelain veneers in Ormskirk

Do you have chipped, gapped, misaligned or stained teeth? Whether you experience one or more of the above cosmetic flaws, you can now fix them with porcelain veneers. Porcelain veneers can brighten deeply stained teeth and even create the appearance of a properly aligned smile when the natural teeth are slightly crooked or misaligned.

At Parbold Dental in Ormskirk, we use veneers for an impressive number of cosmetic corrections, ranging from teeth whitening to teeth straightening. Whether you wish to improve the colour, shape and overall appearance of your teeth, porcelain veneers can dramatically improve your smile and appearance.

Porcelain Veneers in OrmskirkWhat are porcelain veneers?

These are thin leaves of porcelain sculpted to look like your natural teeth, and fixed to the front of your teeth to improve the appearance of your smile. Porcelain veneers are extremely thin and durable and can be used to cover a variety of dental problems including spaces between the teeth, poorly shaped teeth, chipped and broken teeth, unattractive fillings as well as slightly misaligned teeth.

While dental veneers can improve the appearance of the teeth, they cannot realign the jaw or correct overbites and underbites. If you want to treat these problems permanently, you will need teeth straightening.

Installing porcelain veneers

The process for porcelain veneers begins with a thorough oral exam. Your dentist will use digital imaging to show you what your smile will look like once the treatment is completed. In some cases, we may be able to create temporary veneers.

Placement of porcelain veneers does not require more than two or three visits to the dentist. Since they are a minimally invasive procedure, your dentist will only remove a small amount of your tooth enamel in order to create room for the veneers to fit perfectly on top of your teeth. Once dental impressions are taken, your porcelain veneers will be created in a dental laboratory. Once we receive the final restorations, we will proceed with cementing the veneers on your teeth for a permanent restoration. For single porcelain veneers we can also match the precise shade of porcelain to fit in with your natural teeth.

Get in touch

Patients who wish to enhance their smile without undergoing complex procedures should consult with our friendly dental team to determine whether porcelain veneers are a viable option.