Pregnancy Gingivitis: Don’t Neglect Oral Health When Expecting

From seesawing emotions and varicose veins down to brittle nails, pregnancy affects more than just the size of a woman’s stomach. Adding to that long list of physiological changes are swelling gums. The surge of hormones in the woman’s body during pregnancy puts her at greater risk for oral health problems, like gingivitis.

When the Bump Causes Bulge (in the Gums)

pregnancyTo prepare the pregnant woman for the task of nourishing the growing fetus, the body increases the production of hormones, particularly estrogen and progesterone. This results in a high amount of fluid in all the cells of the body, including gum tissues, making them swell.

This high level of hormones also makes the body more sensitive to toxins caused by dental plaque in the mouth. Thus, when a mass of bacteria builds up, the expectant mother may experience inflammation, soreness, and bleeding in the gums.

With dramatic hormonal changes that reduce gingival tissue resistance against infection, there is heightened risk for oral health problems.

Sore and bleeding gums are the primary symptoms of pregnancy gingivitis. It is important for pregnant women to be extra conscious about dental hygiene to prevent this condition. Studies show that when gingivitis develops into periodontitis, there is higher likelihood for premature birth and low-birth-weight infants.

Importance of Good Oral Hygiene

Follow a consistent oral health care regimen to prevent gum disease and other complications. Brush teeth thoroughly at least twice a day. Make sure not to brush too hard or too fast; we recommend that you spend at least two minutes cleaning teeth. Also, floss daily to avoid plaque build-up.

If you experience morning sickness, rinse your mouth with a teaspoon of baking soda mixed with water to prevent acids from eroding your teeth. Pay attention to what you eat as well. Nutrition plays a crucial role in oral health. Eat a balanced diet. Avoid sugary foods and choose fruits and vegetables.

Perhaps most important of all oral health care practices is to visit your dentist. This way, you can better monitor oral health and prevent gum infections.

Contact us today for your oral health care needs. We are your partners in health, working towards a happier and healthier pregnancy.