Preventative Dentistry in Not a Choice, But a Must

“Prevention is better than cure”. Health professionals have taught this lesson time and again to impart the undying importance of maintaining optimum health. At Parbold Dental Practice, we provide preventive dentistry to prevent the onset of dental problems instead of looking for ways to cure them.

preventive dentistryThe philosophy of preventive dentistry is that through vigilant care and maintenance of the mouth, certain dental issues can be prevented.

Special Emphasis on Oral Hygiene

Most dental issues are a result of poor dental hygiene. Irregular brushing and flossing can lead to plaque buildup and create calcular deposits that cause tooth decay and gum disease. From both conditions, more serious problems can arise, such as loss of booth and tooth.

Deep decay can reach into the tooth’s pulp, and infect the nerves connecting to the tooth’s root. When the nerve tissue is damaged, it leads to bacteria growth within the pulp chamber. The bacteria and other debris can form an abscess at the end of the tooth’s root. In this case, root canal therapy is necessary to save the tooth.

On the other hand, a gum disease, called gingivitis is caused by bacterial accumulation around the tooth. If gingivitis is not detected and treated early, it progresses into periodontitis, whose damage can be irreversible.

With an informed practice of dental hygiene, the teeth have a better defence against the accumulation of bacteria and the dental problems stemming from it.

Other Aspects of Preventive Dentistry

In preventive dentistry, theoretical education and actual application make the most effective combination.

As we teach our patients about the consequences of irregular brushing and flossing and how to do it correctly, we also provide fluoride applications that protect the teeth from decay. Especially for children, we apply fissure sealants to fill in the grooves of their teeth and prevent decay.

Moreover, preventive dentistry encourages regular visits to the dentist, and eating the right kinds of food, as well as adopting the right habits.

To prevent the devastating effects of preventable conditions, we strongly recommend patients to subscribe to the practice and instructions of preventive dentistry. If you want to maintain optimum dental health, gambling is not a choice. Visit us today.