Sensitive teeth Ormskirk; exploring the causes and treatments

When it comes to discomfort within the mouth, most people would seek dental advice or get in touch with our practice when the pain becomes extreme, but not all of us would do the same when experiencing symptoms of sensitive teeth Omrkskirk. Despite how uncomfortable sensitive teeth Ormskirk can be, it is sometimes much easier to put down the cold or warm edible item that is causing the pain rather than seek out a treatment option and return to your once enjoyable lifestyle. Here at Parbold Dental, no problem is too small. We believe that the delivery of quality patient care spans a wide range of dental problems, including everything you might not find important. Teeth should be a tool for you to enjoy more parts of life, not the reason that you are missing out. sensitive-teeth-ormskirk

In this article, a member of our team will discuss sensitive teeth Ormskirk, exploring the causes and a few suggestions for treatments.

Enamel erosion

Just one reason that teeth may become more delicate when enjoying hot or cold items of food and drink is the erosion of the enamel. Enamel is the hard outer layer of the tooth that acts as a protective barrier between the world and the more sensitive parts of your tooth. Unfortunately, this protective barrier has its limits, meaning that things like brushing too hard, grinding your teeth and certain medical conditions can wear away at the enamel until it starts to erode. The thinner this barrier becomes, the more the weaker parts of the tooth are exposed, which can lead to pain often triggered by extreme changes in temperatures.

Gum recession

Alongside the erosion of the enamel and periodontal disease, your gums may start to recede, causing more exposure and pain. When we do not stick to a scheduled dental oral hygiene routine and forget to take care of our teeth, it is likely that plaque will build up fast. In some cases, the toxins found within the plaque can infect the gums and cause them to recede away from the teeth, exposing the root surface and leaving no protection behind.

Brushing and toothpaste

When seeking help from our dental practice, we will always want to know more about your oral hygiene routine and the type of products being used. Unfortunately, brushing your teeth too hard can have extremely damaging effects on the protective layer of your teeth, so it is a good idea to take it slow and steady. There are some kinds of toothpaste that are made specifically to contain potassium nitrate or strontium chloride. Both of these chemicals help to clog the dentinal tubules, which may have become exposed for the reasons explored above.

Treatment and effects

If you have recently undergone a dental treatment, such as teeth whitening or the placement of a new filler, it is possible that you could be experiencing some kind of discomfort. Where whitening is concerned, this can be expected, but our dentist will recommend some options to help keep it to a minimum. If we have recently installed a new filler into one of your teeth, it is important to let us know immediately if you are experiencing any kind of pain, as there are sometimes different materials available.