Tooth Whitening

Christmas party season is upon us, and everyone is on the look-out for the perfect outfit. Of course you want to look your best, but it’s not all about the clothes, the shoes or the accessories. The first thing many people notice about us is our smile, and with our current discount on teeth whitening treatment, there’s never been a better time to treat yourself to a brightness boost.

teeth whitening treatmentTooth whitening treatment involves the use of special bleaching gels to remove stains and restore your teeth to a natural, brighter white colour. At Parbold Dental Practice we use the popular Zoom teeth whitening system, which is tried, tested and safe, and can leave your teeth several shades lighter.

We offer two options for teeth whitening: power whitening in a single session at the practice, or home whitening with custom-made whitening trays and gel. Both options are carried out by our experienced dental team, who have whitened the teeth of many happy patients, so you know you’re in safe hands.

We’ll only prescribe teeth whitening to people with healthy mouths, as it should not be carried out if you have gum disease or decay. If you do have any underlying problems we will treat these first. This will all be checked out at your teeth whitening consultation.

Power teeth whitening takes place in a single appointment, which usually lasts about an hour. After carefully shielding your lips and gums to protect them, your dentist will apply whitening gel to your teeth before shining a special light on them to activate the gel. The gel will gently permeate your teeth to get rid of stains while you sit back and relax.

Home teeth whitening involves using custom-made trays that will fit your mouth perfectly. Every night for approximately two weeks you need to place a small amount of whitening gel in the trays and wear them overnight.

Exact results will vary depending on the natural shade of your teeth. With treatment so quick and simple, it’s the perfect way to boost your smile before the office Christmas party.