What are the causes of sensitive teeth in Ormskirk?

Teeth sensitivity affects many people worldwide, and its causes vary from worn enamel and receding gums, through to infected pulp. Whatever’s prompting your sensitivity is making your life harder than it needs to be, forcing you to restrict your diet to avoid toothache and more.


If your sensitive teeth in Ormskirk are a persistent issue and cause you significant discomfort, you’re probably urgently overdue for your next dental visit.

In this article, our best dentist at Parbold Dental unpacks the dental problems you could be facing and the best course of treatment.

Worn tooth enamel

If consuming food and beverages of extreme temperature make you wince, you’re probably experiencing the effects of enamel erosion, which is usually caused by brushing too hard or a highly acidic diet.


There are a couple of treatments available that can help you with your sensitive teeth. The first is desensitising toothpaste which helps to block pain, it has multiple uses for sensitive teeth issues that are mild in form. Another possibility we can administer is in-house fluoride treatment, the application of which will strengthen your enamel and reduce any tenderness of your pearly whites. Often, we’ll send our patients home with instructions on how to apply the solution using customised trays.

//Gum recession//

Your gums cover your bones and protect your teeth from the elements. However, sometimes gums recede, leaving your pearly whites and their roots exposed, which may result in the onslaught of tooth and gum infection.


Bonding will probably be recommended for exposed root surfaces, to prevent the occurrence of progressive tooth decay by blocking the entry points of food morsels left behind.

Gum grafts, a surgical procedure usually performed by a periodontist, is another option which involves transplanting gum tissue from one part of your mouth to the other.

However, bear in mind that you might experience some discomfort and pain during recovery.

When is it time to see the dentist?

Seeing a dental practitioner is an ordeal for many individuals, with some putting off the activity until they can no longer bear it. See below for symptoms that will require urgent dental treatment.

  • Intolerable toothache that lasts for more than 48 hours
  • Pain accompanied by a fever is cause for concern
  • Throbbing, sharp or aching soreness that’s incapacitating
  • Overpowering migraines or thunderclap headaches, which don’t build up gradually, but are intense and extremely painful from the start.

How do I prevent these issues?

Sensitive teeth in Ormskirk and hypersensitive teeth might occur overnight seemingly. However, there are usually preventive measures you can take to avoid these issues altogether, namely modifying your diet. Take care while eating and drinking acidic drinks and beverages, limit your intake of wine and carbonated drinks, for example.

You should optimise your oral hygiene by adhering to a strict teeth-cleaning regime, which includes regular flossing. However, be aware of brushing too hard, because while you might be removing harmful germs from the surfaces of your teeth, you’re also chipping away at the enamel.

Final takeaway

Can tooth sensitivity be classified as a dental emergency? Usually not. However, it can point to a more severe health issue. Always err on the side of caution when these feelings persist by visiting your nearest dental practitioner.