Discreet teeth straightening with Invisalign in Ormskirk

A beautiful smile can change everything in your life, including your confidence, outlook and self-esteem. People with gapped, crowded, misaligned or crooked teeth avoid smiling as they are self-conscious about their appearance. However, quite a few of them are also skeptical when it comes to teeth straightening, because they think that it can only be achieved with traditional metal braces.

Luckily, modern dentistry has come a long way and achieving the smile you always dreamed of doesn’t have to affect your lifestyle and daily activities. At Parbold Dental, we offer Invisalign in Ormskirk, an innovative treatment that straightens your teeth quickly and discreetly without the use of metal brackets and wires.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign in OrmskirkInvisalign consists of a series of nearly invisible, removable aligners that are custom-made specifically for your teeth, with the help of 3D technology. The aligners are made of smooth plastic that fits comfortably over your teeth and gums. As you replace each aligner every two weeks, your teeth will move little by little, gradually reaching their final position.

Invisalign is ideal for self-conscious adults and teenagers who want to straighten moderately crooked, crowded or gapped teeth as well as fix their bite. However, Invisalign may not be the best treatment for severely crooked teeth or major bite alterations. In this case, your dentist may recommend a different teeth straightening method for effective results.

Treatment time with Invisalign varies from patient to patient, however, most people don’t have to wear the aligners for more than 12 months.

Benefits of Invisalign in Ormskirk

Invisalign has many benefits over other treatments, invisibility being perhaps the most important of them. This is a great benefit for teenagers, professionals and anyone wishing to secretly correct their smile. Another important benefit of Invisalign is the ability for users to remove the aligners whenever they choose for up to 2 hours per day. This way, you can take out the aligners for eating and brushing your teeth, and replace them when you are done.

Finally, with smooth, comfortable, and removable trays, Invisalign users have the opportunity to participate in contact sports, play musical instruments, and participate in other activities that are not always an option with metal braces.