Pynadath George

Pynadath George

Special interest in Dental Implants
GDC No. 84470
BDS, MFDS RCS, MSc RestDent, MSc ImpDent, DClinDent OralSurg

Pynadath George has a practice limited to advanced restorative dentistry and complex dental implants. He is a graduate of Liverpool Dental School and since then has completed the membership exams from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons. Through his career he has completed a Masters Degree in Restorative Dentistry from the prestigious Eastman Dental Institute, UCL and a separate Master’s degree in Dental Implants from Warwick University. He has also completed specialist training and a Doctorate degree in Oral Surgery.

Dr George has taught Restorative Dentistry and Dental Implants in Liverpool University Dental School to Undergraduate students and Specialist trainees. He has worked in a tertiary district hospital treating cancer patients for removable and fixed Prosthodontics.

His scope of practice involves advanced bone and soft tissue grafting to complex full arch cases involving pterygoid and zygomatic implants.

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