Should I invest in facial aesthetics in Ormskirk?

As the body’s largest organ our skin health is important, as it performs many essential functions for the body, including preventing pathogens and bacteria from entering the body. We also want to make sure that our skin remains as youthful as possible. Factors such as genetics, skin exposure, diet and our general lifestyle can all contribute to the appearance of our skin. Luckily, there are anti-ageing treatments which can aid in ensuring our skin remains youthful for as long as possible. So if you are based in Ormskirk and considering facial aesthetics treatment, why not book an appointment at Parbold Dental to find out more about our available treatments.

Facial Aesthetics in OrmskirkWhat do we offer?

If you are researching facial aesthetics in Ormskirk, we offer both Botox treatments and dermal fillers to treat lines and wrinkles in the face and neck. These available treatments help to smooth out, define and replace volume in targeted areas such as the forehead, eyes and neck.

Is Botox safe?

A popular procedure in facial aesthetics in Ormskirk, Botox is a drug used primarily to remove wrinkles from the face. Prepared from botulinum toxin, our dental professionals are specifically trained and have experience to administer Botox as part of our dental treatments. Although botulinum toxin is a neurotoxic protein made by a bacteria which causes food poisoning, when used in small doses, Botox is able to be used as a proven cosmetic treatment.

At Parbold Dental, Botox has been used to correct facial imperfections such as lip lines, inverted smiles or a ‘gummy’ smile, also known as excessive gingival display, when an excessive amount of gum tissue shows above the top teeth when you smile. This procedure can also be used to treat teeth clenching or grinding which is also known as bruxism. Dental Botox can improve the symptoms of  bruxism, as it reduces the contractions of the mouth muscles which are involved in grinding and clenching your teeth.

Is Botox suitable for me?

Our experienced dentists are suited to provide our Botox treatments as they have a broad understanding of the facial anatomy and are trained to manage facial aesthetics in Ormskirk and provide the best advice to patients regarding our procedures.

Once you have had a consultation with one of our dentists and are happy to proceed with the procedure an appointment will be booked.

At the appointment, the dentist will ensure your face is clean before carefully injecting Botox directly into your skin. Once injected into the specific muscle, the botulinum toxin blocks the facial nerves temporarily which tells the muscle to contract. This paralyses the muscle which results in the reduction of wrinkles and lines in the face or neck, leaving your skin looking smoother. This procedure can be carried out within 15 minutes and requires no anaesthetic.

The results of dental Botox will not be seen straight away. Usually the treatment takes about two to three days to start showing and about two to three weeks to see the full effect. The treatment is not permanent, it usually lasts for about three to four months.

Risks of Botox

If administered safely and correctly, the risks of Botox injections are considered to be low. In some cases, after administering Botox, the patient may experience flu-like symptoms or a headache for the first few days or bruising or swelling where the needle entered the skin. In some cases, patients may also experience a ‘frozen’ look, where they are not able to move their face as much as they used to, where the Botox was injected.